1 cup beef or chicken liver, 2 c. oats, 1 c. whole wheat or rye or barley flour, 2 eggs, 1 1/2 T. garlic, 1 T. parsley, 2 T. soy sauce or Braggs or Miso(optional), 1/2 c. powdered milk, (optional but nutricious). Saute liver in bacon grease for about 15 minutes, then simmer for 30-45 minutes. Add a little water if necessary. Let cool for about 30 minutes, and chop into small pieces. Or you can add all the ingredients in a food processor. After chopping, add all other ingredients. Place in shaped spoonfuls on a baking sheet on 250 for 45 min. to an hour or set outside in hot sun to dehydrate. Let cool overnight. Dog Food 5 pounds dog meat(meat packaged for dogs) containing bone meal, 21/2 pounds rolled oats or cracked wheat, Enough water to barely cover the mix.Simmer the mix for 45 minutes, divide into meal size portions and freeze. For variety add 1/2 mashed vegetables to every pound of dog food. Vegetarian Dog Food 2 tbls. oil, 1 cooked egg, 2 cups cooked vegetables blended unless very soft, 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast, 1 cup milk, bread ends and leftover cereals and beans. Dog Cookies 1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour,1/2 cup rolled oats,1/2 cup ground millet,cornmeal or other flour, 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, 1 egg slightly beaten, 1 teaspoon mollases, 3/4 cup dry milk, 1/2 cup hot water, 1/3 cup vegetable oil, 1 tbl. beef or chicken boullein.Mix together all ingredients. Roll out and cut into animal shapes with cookie cutters. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.My daughter makes these and sells them at market, a great seller! Herbal Supplement
1 oz. Alfalfa
1/4 oz. Burdock root or seed
1/2 oz. Chamomile
1/4 oz. Catnip
dash Cayenne
1 oz. Comfrey
1 oz. Dandelion
1/4 oz. Fennel Seeds
1/4 oz Garlic
1/2 oz. Horsetail
1 oz. Marshmallow root
1 oz. Mullein leaf
1 oz. Nettle
1/2 oz Oatstraw
1 oz. Parsley
1/2 oz. Red Clover
1/2 oz. Rose Hips
1/2 oz. Slippery Elm
1/2 oz Thyme Mix all these herbs together in their powdered forms. Store in a dark jar in a cool place. Sprinkle on top of your dogs food or mix into it. For a nursing or pregnant mother also add these herbs to the above supplement.
1/2 oz each of Milk Thistle, Raspberry Leaf, Chickweed.
add extra 1/2 oz comfrey leaf.
1 oz. Alfalfa
1/4 oz. Burdock root or seed
1/2 oz. Chamomile
1/4 oz. Catnip
dash Cayenne
1 oz. Comfrey
1 oz. Dandelion
1/4 oz. Fennel Seeds
1/4 oz Garlic
1/2 oz. Horsetail
1 oz. Marshmallow root
1 oz. Mullein leaf
1 oz. Nettle
1/2 oz Oatstraw
1 oz. Parsley
1/2 oz. Red Clover
1/2 oz. Rose Hips
1/2 oz. Slippery Elm
1/2 oz Thyme Mix all these herbs together in their powdered forms. Store in a dark jar in a cool place. Sprinkle on top of your dogs food or mix into it. For a nursing or pregnant mother also add these herbs to the above supplement.
1/2 oz each of Milk Thistle, Raspberry Leaf, Chickweed.
add extra 1/2 oz comfrey leaf.
Growlt Gold works