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Pint-Sized Pups

Dr Rachele Lowe
Little dogs are the latest celeb accessory, but they can make great pets too, says Sunrise vet Dr Rachele Lowe.
Usually standing at less than 20cm and weighing no more than 3kg on average, tiny dogs (most often Yorkshire terriers and chihuahuas) are small in stature, but their popularity is sky high! Whether it's because they're a popular 'accessory' with celebs or due to a general trend towards small pets, people can't get enough of them! Paris Hilton loves little breeds - her dogs include Cinderella the Yorkie and chihuahuas Bambi and Tinkerbell - and Britney Spears is also a fan with chihuahua Bit Bit and Yorkie London. Registrations in the US in 2006 showed the Yorkie was the second most popular dog, behind the labrador retriever.
Tiny but mightyThe Yorkshire terrier is a long-haired breed that has a distinctive black and tan coloured coat. It's a highly intelligent breed - ranked 27th out of all dogs. The chihuahua is not as bright as the Yorkie, coming in at 67th. They can have a short and smooth or soft and long coat.
Little dogs for little onesBoth Yorkshire terriers and chihuahuas have a lot of guts for their size - and will have a go at other dogs if they feel threatened. This sometimes gets them into trouble because they can be easily injured. It's also the reason I think they're not ideal pets for small children.
Doggy Development
Yorkshire terriers
Yorkies are active, agile and courageous little dogs. The key with the breed is to make sure they're well socialised and not overindulged. Very pampered Yorkshire terriers can lack the true terrier confidence and be clingy and demanding. Yorkies that are well bred and well handled by their owners will have great self-confidence and a well-developed social personality.
Officially the smallest breed of dog in the world, chihuahuas were first discovered in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico in 1850. Chihuahuas are prized for their tiny size - those that compete in shows should not exceed a weight of 2.7kg.A devoted, lively, curious breed, the chihuahua is a small dog that has a big personality. They develop a strong bond with their owner and can be jealous of his/her human relationships.They're clannish dogs that prefer the company of chihuahuas as opposed to other dog breeds. They sometimes have a reputation for being snappy and highly strung, but the secret here - surprise, surprise! - is socialisation. Chihuahuas that are well socialised are even-tempered, self-confident and loads of fun.
Did you knowThe smallest dog ever recorded in history is a Yorkie that was only 6.3cm tall at the shoulder. The current reigning smallest dog by height is Duckie, a chihuahua standing at 12.3cm. A Yorkie called Big Boss, measuring only 11.9cm in height, was in the Guinness Book of World Records from 1995-2002.

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