Cats are wonderful companions, but did you know that owning a cat can help you to enjoy better health?
Scientists have discovered that people who own pets tend to have lower levels of stress and recover more effectively from heart attacks than non-pet owners.
For people dealing with severe stresses, such as cancer and bereavement, having a pet has been shown to help provide social support and assist their recovery.
Here are some ways you can improve the health and happiness of both you and your cat!
Join a pet health program to track the health of your pet and ensure you are feeding your cat the right balance of nutrition every day.
Dedicate a regular time each day to play with your cat. It will keep your cat both mentally and physically active and these daily interactions can also help to lower your stress levels.
Make grooming or stroking your cat a special part of each day. It will keep your cat looking wonderful and can help to reduce your blood pressure and help you to relax.And of course your cat will love the attention!
Many people like to talk to their four-legged friends and cats are great listeners. It's true they may not understand everything you say, but they will respond to the tones in your voice. Not to mention that they always keep a secret and never argue with you! A regular chat with your cat can be a great way to get things off your chest.
Pets-Yahoo!7 lifestyle