There are many benefits to desexing your cat, these include prevention of health and behaviour related problems as well as prevention of the birth of unwanted kittens.
Some of the benefits are outlined below.
To reduce the number of unwanted litters
The number of kittens born each year is greater than the number of available homes.
Many kittens end up in animal shelters or are put to sleep.
To prevent seasons
A female cat will come into season 3-4 times per year.
The season may last up to 3 weeks if she is not mated
During this time there is a change of behaviour. - she may hide, seek attention, and roll around on the floor, call and spray urine around the house or garden.
Male cats will travel great distances in response to a female calling, and will spray all around the area the queen is located (even if she is locked inside)
To reduce the risk of developing mammary cancer
Elimination of ovarian cancer
Prevent urine spraying
Uncastrated male cats mark their territory by urine spraying.
The urine has a characteristic pungent odour which is unpleasant in and around the house and very difficult to remove
Reduce the tendency to roam
Cats are territorial by nature and Tomcats quite commonly patrol a large area ( up to 5km diameter)
Undesexed males are more likely to instigate cat fights
Viral diseases such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Cat “Aids”) are transmitted by biting, hence roaming, fighting cats are more at risk of being exposed to these diseases
Undesexed male cats are more likely to be hit by a car while they are roaming
Reduction in aggressive behaviour and sexual tendencies such as mating teddy bears.
Eliminate testicular cancers and reduce risk of prostate disease .
Pet vets