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Ringworm,one of the nastiest and your family is vulnerable

First things first, it's actually not a worm, it's a fungus that is really easy to pass onto the kids. Both dogs and cats can contract it. It is a skin disease caused by a fungus. One thing that you might not know is that it can be transmitted from animals to humans. Yep, that's right, we can get it too! The name ringworm actually has nothing to do with the disease as it is not actually a worm. It was thought in the past that it was caused by a type of worm curling up in the tissue of skin but that is not the case. It is an infection affecting areas such as skin, nails and hair. You may notice that your pet is losing hair as it invades and weakens the hair follicles causing them to fall out. You will also notice lesions over your pet's body, they resemble worms in a way and that's how it got the name ringworm. There are a few ways to treat this condition such as anti-fungal creams, baths with anti-fungal shampoo, shaving the hair off your animal and medications. Remember if you see anything remotely like this on your pet get it checked out as soon as possible by your Vet and you should take yourself and the family to the doctor as well, as you could have it too!
By Lauren- Vet Nurse
Pets Yahoo! 7 Lifestyle