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Bait the rat, not your pet

Don't be fooled by advertising packaging that says it's "safe to use around pets". Rat Bait poisoning is a lot more common than what you probably think. We constantly have people coming into the clinic with their half dead animal, laying in their arms not knowing what has happened. If you do choose to use rat bait, make sure to store the product well away from where any pets could get their little paws on it. There are two types of rat bait poisoning;
1) Primary poisoning2) Secondary poisoningPrimary poisoning is when your pet eats the rat bait directly and secondary poisoning is when your pet has eaten a rat that has digested rat bait. There are so many rat baits on the market, half with the warning of "safe to use around pets", be careful as I do not think this is entirely accurate. Death by rat bait poisoning isn't pleasant and depending on how much your pet has eaten, could be fatal. It is an anti-coagulant which means that the blood is not able to clot properly. It has a very inviting taste, one that lures an unsuspecting hungry pet. Please be careful with using any products with such a toxic nature, it's just not worth the risk of losing your beloved pet. It is wise to speak to your local Rat exterminator if you have a pest problem. By Lauren- Vet Nurse