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One of The Gang

Most of us have heard that dogs are pack animals. But what does this mean?
Pack or herd animals depend on the group fro survival. Having a good leader is vital and having a social order in which everyone behaves in the best interest of the group can mean all the difference between life and death.
From the minute they are born, puppies are taught by their mum that they are of lower ranking. The early stage of puppyhood is called the imprinting period and your dogs behaviours later in life will be strongly determined by how mum cares for him. The socialisation period occurs around the time when pups are being weaned. Again, how mum approaches this phase - whether kindly or severely - will affect your dog's adult personality and how he behaves towards humans.
When a pup is taken from his mum and siblings and is placed in your home, he is naturally feels vulnerable and craves a pack environment with a leader.
Dogs thrive on companionship and are miserable and even fearful if they are separated from the family. A sense of belonging to a family or pack is essential for a healthy emotional life.
Remember this ‘hard wired' need for companionship, and you'll find it easier to understand doggy behaviour.
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